6 S H I E L D S P R O G R A M
See how our program can benefit your practice & improve the mental health & wellbeing of your veterinary team.
Designed specifically for veterinary professionals.
Group pricing available.
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v e t T h r i v e f o r B u s i n e s s
Smart companies know the value of making sure their people have the right tools to do their jobs safely, effectively, and efficiently. Individual proactive wellbeing is an essential part of this toolbox by helping to build the foundation of professional wellbeing.
Embrace Workplace Mental Health
This takes a high level of leadership support, wellbeing interventions using an integrated approach, and data-informed decision making. Track incremental changes
in team resilience with a co-design approach to identify and mitigate psychosocial hazards over time and help create best healthy-workplace-practice together.
A Healthy, Happy Environment
Our obligation as business owners is to prevent harm, promote flourishing and be equipped to recognise and respond to mental ill health in our team members at an early stage.¹ ² ³ ⁴
Engage Your Team
The vetThrive program is an accessible, achievable, and fun program to engage your team and sow the seeds to embrace non-clinical professional development, helping
them manage, maintain, and improve professional well-being.
See Resource: Building Your Workplace Wellbeing Program
6 S H I E L D S F O R B U S I N E S S
Enquire about our group pricing rates.
No commission fee or contract. You can cancel anytime.
For mid-sized practices
Up to 100 employees
Email support
For help or enquiries please email admin@vetthrive.org.
Continuous Professional Development credits apply.
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v e t T h r i v e
'Six Shields' Course
Our purpose-built, 6 step program to help you on your vetThrive™ Wellbeing Collective for Vet Professionals journey. A summary of the benefits and a roadmap for completing each shield in your own time.
Resources For Business
Guidance on setting proactive wellbeing workplace objectives, budgets and measuring tools for an integrated best wellbeing practice program success.
Peer-Reviewed Sources
Evidence based, peer-reviewed references and research to access the foundations of vetThrive™ Wellbeing Collective for Vet Professionals to develop an in-depth knowledge of how it will help grow you as an individual and/or your business.
Facebook Community
Access, via joining the vetThrive™ Wellbeing Collective for Vet Professionals Facebook group, to an ongoing proactive wellbeing in the workplace strategy and community connection with exercises, and daily ideas to use within your workday.
One-time payment. Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You.
S T E P 1
From the moment we are born, to the moment we die we breathe. But it is how we breathe that makes the difference to happiness in our work life and workspace...
To read more sign up for full access to all 6 steps.
Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
S T E P 2
Somewhere along our path the veterinary profession lost its way, lacking firm and reasonable self-care boundaries to invite rest into our daily routine. To rest is to thrive...
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Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
S T E P 3
It is not enough that we constantly strive to nurture and nourish others. To thrive, we now need to turn the spotlight on ourselves and care for our bodies first and foremost...
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Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
S T E P 4
If you cannot flee and you cannot fight, then you must learn to FLOW. No two days will ever be the same, which is the beauty of our careers, but also the beast....
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Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
S T E P 5
The practice of forgiveness makes you feel good and it makes you strong. Why? Because if you are forgiving, you cannot be angry, guilty, sad or resentful...
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Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
S T E P 6
If you are still feeling stressed-out, it’s now time to ACCEPT this is for good reason. We need to learn to ACCEPT and harness stress, rather than fighting and avoiding it...
To read more sign up for full access to all 6 steps.
Full membership & access to all 6 steps.
One-time payment.
Besides our flagship vetThrive Program, we have also created a Podcast featuring various contributors, providing expert advice tailored to the veterinary profession.